LOW COST UHF Wireless Microphone From Amazon Under $40 bucks
More Tech Reviews - Wireless Mic and Transmitter!
First of i have to mention is the packaging.
All pieces came neatly packed and snug in the box.
Ease of Use
The instructions provided are straight forward and easy to use.
The receiver and UHF device are built sturdy enough to last. Both are battery powered while the receiving side uses a rechargeable battery the UHF requires you to use two AA batteries. Really not a big deal... Note the cost of the unit.
Quality of Sound is very important.
I tested the sound quality near the end of my video posted and compared it to my condenser microphone. You can hardly tell the difference between the two.
The unit as a whole is light weight somewhat sturdy. While the headset mic fit well the collar mic was perfect for my usage.
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